Sunday, October 30, 2011


Do you ever get the feeling in life that you are lost?

Do you ever sit back and really think is this what life is all about, shouldn't there be more, a real reason to be here?

Do you ever feel like you are leading more of a life that is "expected" of you by others, or playing it safe, rather than exploring those things that sing to your heart, or testing the boundaries of uncertainty that could take you to the places of your dreams?

Do you ever feel like you are working in a job that just doesn't interest you, or a job that just feels like a job, where you can't wait for the weekends to start and are disappointed when they are over, rather than following and becoming a success at what you are truly passionate about, where what you do never really feels like a job and the weekdays are just as much fun as the weekends?

Do you ever notice that the justification for continuing down this path might be the acceptance of family and friends, or financial achievement, where the feeling of success then becomes compliments or reassurance from others, or the high you get from buying a new house, a car, a watch or a handbag, that eventually fades, rather than a deeply intense and lasting satisfaction and joy that comes with achieving what is aligned with your heart and soul?

Do you ever get the feeling that what would be fulfilling is using your talents, your life experience or just some of your precious moments to help others who are less fortunate than you but you just don't seem to have the time given your busy schedule and long work hours?

Did you even realise than when you depart this world you cannot take your wealth or material possessions with you, but you can leave the world a richer place by enhancing the lives of others while you are here?

Every single person has been given a gift to be great at what they are truly passionate about and by doing so to make a positive difference to this world and the lives of those in it.

So what stops most of us then? Fear of being different and as a result being judged by others? Fear of leaving the "safety" of our current comfort zone? Fear of FAILURE?

But at the time when we are down to our last remaining few breaths and our life flashes before us, what will we consider success or failure at that point? Perhaps we will regret  that we always played it safe and never actually gave ourselves the opportunity to reach our highest potential.

Why is it that most of us don't learn this lesson until it's too late?

Listen to you heart and begin to take small steps in whatever direction it leads you. Before you know it your life will be on the path to greatness and true success.

1 comment:

  1. I answered yes to the first three questions in this post. Although I have come to this realisation, having the courage to do something about it and to not have that fear is another matter. I wonder sometimes if I need something startling like extreme pain or a near-death experience to be the catalyst of this change.
